
Monday, July 04, 2005

Monday blues

I was supposed to attend my former boss' sister-in-law's wedding last Saturday but I couldn't make it coz my hubby was busy working. I wanted to attend the wedding, you know just to catch-up on things about him & his wife after he left the organization that we used to work for. Even though most of my former colleague's claimed he was cruel & mean to his staffs, I think he was a nice guy - the one person responsible of transforming him into an evil monster is his misses, she was always in the way of his indecisive decision-making, always's really hard when husband & wife work under the one roof especially if the husband is the superior of the wife, the wife in one way or another will leave a deep impact in the husband's decision-making. Thank God, I am no more attach to them. It was such a relief when I finally manage to get a better job opportunity with a big organization, in fact the biggest organization that I've ever worked for.
I've got nothing much to do so far for today. This is the only thing that I do when I've got nothing in my hand - updating my blog. My hubby had just got his salary last Friday, took him to shop something new for his wardrobe.... I'm trying to change his image bit by bit - I want him to groom a bit just to match my beauty (am I that pretty? perasan la tu), tak nak la dgr org ckp camni, "isteri dia tak pandai langsung jage penampilan suami". It'll really make me feel down & bad about my self, I'll feel like I'm useless to my hubby, I'm trying my very best to be a good wife & good mother to my boys.


Digitalite said...

metrosexual (or something like that)... that's the name they call it nowadays. where men gets the same beauty / fashion treatments just like girls. they do facials, massages and many more. there are some criterias involved. try to google and maybe you can apply it to p.lan q^_^p

Wardina said...

tx for ur advise, i'll talk p.lan into trying it out

Fazira Albaijure said...

ala wa, lek aa.. kadang tu mmg perlu je sempoi dlm idup.. jgn terlalu lalu siyes. :)